Adult Fellowship & Study Groups
Men’s Huddle
When: Mondays | 7 PM
Frequency: Weekly
Location: Faith House Lounge
Book: Matthew for Everyone by N.T. Wright
Leader: Rich Weber
- Men are invited to join in on this exclusive group that allows for study, conversation and support.
- Please contact Rich with any questions.
When: Tuesday | 9:15 – 11:30 AM
Frequency: Weekly
Location: Chapel & Ansby Hall
Contact: Sharon Barber
- This group is open to all women.
- We meet for a devotion and prayer time.
- Study: Surprised by Hope by NT Wright
Bible Basics
When: Wednesdays | 11 AM
Frequency: Weekly
Location: Ansby Hall
Study: Revelation
- This group allows for open discussion and questions and is an excellent way to learn more about the Bible and to also get to know others in our church family.
- Rev. Dr. Derek Davenport leads the study each week.
- Please contact Sharon Barber to be added to the Bible Basics email list to receive updates about the class and to have access to the Zoom link.
Knitting for Mission
When: Thursdays | 9-11 AM
Frequency: Weekly
Location: Faith House, 2A
Coordinator: Nancy Merrill
- Do you enjoy knitting? Or would you like to learn how? Every Thursday morning our group of knitters gets together to work on projects that are donated to a variety of charities. If you are interested in joining the group, please email Nancy using the link above or just show up!
When: Fridays | 8:15 AM
Frequency: First & Third Fridays
Where: Campbell Room
Study: Following Jesus Without Embarrassing God by Tony Campolo
Led by: Joe Hoepp
Mama Needs Coffee
For mom’s with children ages three years & younger.
When: First Friday | 10-11 AM
Frequency: First Fridays of the month
Where: Faith House Lounge
Click below for additional details and to register.
Fueling Faith
When: Saturday | 9:30 – 11 AM
Date/Time: Monthly
Location: Faith House 2A
Fueling Faith is a gathering of women of faith to discuss current topics in todays’s world and how our faith shapes our thoughts and actions. Woman are invited to connect, learn and grow in faith together. All are invited.
- April 26
- Toby Graham will lead a group discussion on Between Heaven & Mirth by James Martin
Leader: Rita Hoepp
Contact Rita for the schedule and to be added to the email list for the Zoom link.