Adult Fellowship & Study Groups
Women’s Book Study
Where: Faith House Lounge
Frequency: Sundays | Bi-Monthly | 7 PM
Book: Living Life Backward by David Gibson
Leader: Rita Hoepp
This study invites you to gather with women of our church and community for study, faith-building, reflection and fellowship.
- Contact Rita for the schedule and to be added to the email list.
Men’s Huddle
Frequency: Every Monday | 7 PM | Faith House
Where: Faith House Lounge
Book: Matthew for Everyone by N.T. Wright
Leader: Rich Weber
- Men are invited to join in on this exclusive group that allows for study, conversation and support.
- Please contact Rich with any questions.
Koinonia in the Summer
When: Tuesday | 9:15 – 11:30 AM
Frequency: Weekly
Where: Faith House Lounge
Contact: Sharon Barber
- This group is open to all women.
- We meet for a devotion and prayer time.
Bible Basics: Will resume in September
When: Wednesdays
- This casual Bible study is open to anyone who would like to learn more about the Bible.
- Rev. Derek Davenport leads the study each week.
- Please contact Sharon to be added to the Bible Basics email list to receive updates about the class and to have access to the Zoom link.
Knitting for Mission
When: 9-11 AM
Frequency: Weekly on Thursdays
Where: Faith House, 2A
Coordinator: Nancy Merrill
- Do you enjoy knitting? Or would you like to learn how? Every Thursday morning our group of knitters gets together to work on projects that are donated to a variety of charities. If you are interested in joining the group, please email Nancy using the link above or just show up!
When: Fridays, 8:15 AM
Frequency: First & Third Fridays
Where: Campbell Room
Study: Roles in our Culture: Religion, Science, Economics, Education, Politics