Thursday, April 24 | 4-7 PM
Interested in music ministry? Have you considered it but weren’t sure where to start?
Whether you are a seasoned musician who has been a part of our music program for years or you’ve been sitting on the sidelines wondering if this might be the place to get involved — we want to invite you to our upcoming Music Ministry Retreat!
During our time together, Caroline Johns will lead us through a series of human-centered design (HCD) activities to guide the group towards a vision for the music ministry program, identify values and challenges and develop creative solutions. HCD activities are widely used in organizations to help groups to ensure that the solutions they develop are truly relevant and useful to the people they are intended for, and prioritize understanding the needs, wants, and challenges of the group. This process leads to more effective outcomes by actively involving all participants and iteratively refining solutions based on their feedback. Plus, it is just a lot of FUN!
Speaking of fun, food is always fun! If you are able to, please bring a snack to share with the group.
Music ministry has been a valued part of our church ministry since the beginning. We are excited to spend this time engaging in community with each other and imagining what the future might hold.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP below by April 17 and also indicate if you will be providing a snack or treat to share.